Resilience and Resistance: Cross-Pollinating Food Movements
Join us at our community food systems conference, happening at Portland State University, Portland Oregon, June 22-24, 2025!
Lodging Info
Lodging for the conference is available at a special discounted rate of $144/ night at the Portland Hilton. It is an easy ½ mile walk from the main conference venue.
Click here to make your reservation.
Conference Call for Proposals:
Present at Resilience and Resistance: Cross-Pollinating Food Movements
The first national food systems conference since the pandemic will take place in Portland, Oregon June 22-24 2025. Entitled “Resilience and Resistance: Cross-Pollinating Food Movements,” this event is hosted by the Institute for Social and Economic Development Solutions’ Community Food Projects technical assistance program. Be a part of this historic event! Submit a proposal to hold a workshop, poster session, affinity group, mobilization session, or lightning talk.
Deadline for proposals: February 14, 2025
Description of the Event
We are faced with multiple crises in the second half of the 2020s and beyond. These crises present opportunities to transform the food system toward greater equity, democracy and sustainability. To get there, we need a more strategic and cohesive movement. This conference will provide a platform for sharing inspiration and innovation, strategizing and planning for action, while celebrating our wins.
Conference co-sponsors: Food Systems Leadership Network, Portland State University-Oregon Health Sciences University School of Public Health
We are expecting 500 attendees from across the country, from a wide variety of organizations, sectors, and academic disciplines, especially focused on food security, urban agriculture, regenerative agriculture, farming, food access, farm to institution, public health nutrition, planning, food justice and food sovereignty. We anticipate that most of the attendees will be from the non-profit sector, along with a smaller number of interested individuals, and persons from the public sector, academia, and values-aligned companies.
Presentation Guidance
Suggested Presentation Formats:
Educational or skill building workshops with multiple presenters (90 minutes)
Poster sessions about research, projects, or communities
Affinity and Networking Sessions linking people with common interests (90 minutes)
Lightning Sessions about a specific project, policy or idea (10 minutes)
Mobilization or Action Planning sessions (90 minutes)
Potential Topics
Climate resilience strategies
Building power through coalitions, alliances, and unusual partners
Community Food Projects
Food justice
Indigenous food sovereignty
Innovations in nonprofit management and structure
Labor and food systems
Local or community food systems
Oregon/ Pacific NW Topics
Organizational or personal resilience strategies
Policy organizing
Racial and gender equity in the food movement
Reversing ecological degradation in food and farming
Right to Food
Rural-urban connections
Tales of resistance
More info on the conference coming soon, such as:
Content Previews